Well, our Pier may be a bummer, but now we have a Hastings Big Wheel. Well, perhaps not that big – not like the one they had in Brighton, or the London Eye. But it looks pretty impressive in this photo from the Hastings Observer. Last week was Granny week…. phew. This is going to be a really quick up-date – have got a poetry reading thing tonight – will write about that later in the week.

We went on the wheel. It costs £4 and was virtually empty when we went. That was actually pretty good because it busily revolved without the bother of having to stop the whole time to let people on and off. We had two whirling revolutions without a pause. I took GD on the Brighton one, and it kept stopping, which got a bit boring, (here’s the post about our fairly traumatic day in Brighton). The London Eye? Well, it goes so slowly you can’t really call it a ride, more of a (slowly) moving observation platform. I went on the Eye years ago with a bunch of tenants from the Castle Vale estate in Birmingham. We’d come down to London for an Awards Ceremony at some posh hotel. We won, if I remember right – something to do with involving tenants and residents. Pete, my friend and the then CEO of the housing association thought it would be fun to treat them all to the London Eye. It cost an absolute arm and leg to take all of them – what a good use of public money….
Anyway, GD seemed to like the Hastings version. All respect to the wheel owners/renters or whatever – it was deliverd, erected and up and running in no time.
Here is the view from the top. Unfortunately it was a bit dull and hazy, but you still got a good view. Battleaxe would recommend having a go. Apparently it is lit up at night as well.
So, what else did Granny Battleaxe and GD do? Well, we went to see the Arlington Bluebells with a posse of WI ladies. They were looking absolutely fantastic. All blossomy bloomy things have done fantastically well this year – including our garden, which is rapidly turning into a wilderness. The Arlington Bluebells are well-worth a visit – takes about 45 minutes to get there from Hastings though.
Then, as usual, we went riding at Fairlight Hall RDA centre – bluebells were looking good there too.
Had a nightmare journey with her back to Birmingham on Friday – we went by train, and I lost her on Euston Station. Yes, honestly. I said to her to go and have a little wander while I was having a cuppa – she usually comes back every few minutes, but this time she didn’t – not for over 45 minutes. I was just desperate – couldn’t leave where I had left her in case she came back, and it took ages to find someone to help… While the staff member was fetching the police – who were on the station becasue of a security alert – she reappeared. We missed our train….
Heesh – have had some traumatic moments with GD – never mind train rides, what about drives to Brum that have taken seven hours…
That’s all for now – told you it was short…