Fat cats and lonely foxes… at home with Battleaxe

Fat cats and lonely foxes? Yes, Battleaxe is taking a break from the grim world outside to look closer to home.  Like many humans during Lockdown, our cat Digby has recently ballooned from Bagpuss cuddly…

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Winter in Hastings

A reminder of what it is like to live here, on the English Channel coast. Undoubtedly, the climate is milder than many places in the UK. We get plenty of wind, misty, damp days, the…

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A walk to Hastings Country Park

From our house, we can walk up to, and through, the Hastings Country Park. You can see that it was a perfect walking morning, so we went for a five mile circuit, planning to break…

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Hastings Battleaxe does gardens and music, has a pea at Fairlight Hall…..

Battleaxe visits gardens and goes to a piano recital (and has a pea) at Fairlight Hall. I was going to write another rant about Jeremy Corbyn, leadership and the Labour Party, but do you know…

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Hastings Battleaxe gets everywhere…

Lots of bloggers seem to put up a new post every day. How on earth do they find the time?  Time goes so quickly, and it is already a week since I last posted.  Would…

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