Battleaxe has been doing big fat nothing…

Big and fat is about the size of it, after a few days intensive eating in Malaga. Already have been back for ten days, and it seems so long ago. The weather here in Hastings…

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Hastings Battleaxe explores Malaga

And back home again… Although Philosopher and I had a good time, we wouldn’t class the trip as one of the Great Holidays… Readers may remember that we had changed our destination from Chamonix to…

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Poetry and all change at the Hastings Contemporary…

I finished up my last post by saying I’d write something about the Poetry Stanza Bonanza, held in Eastbourne last week, at which Battleaxe and chums were reading their poetic efforts along with members of…

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Hastings Battleaxe does anything to avoid today…

Avoid what? It’s obvious, isn’t it?  As I write this, Trump is just about to be inaugurated as US President. A day that the likes of me could never imagined would actually arrive. But it…

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Frrrreeezing cold with Hastings Battleaxe

Yes, we have just had a really cold few days. Thermals on… But there were some beautiful frosty sights. In this post I’ve put photos of our sunny walk yesterday, down to Alexandra Park. What…

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