This way madness lies… Lies? I’ll say so.

This way madness lies? Or how many more of Boris Johnson’s lies can any sane person be expected to put up with?  Hastings Battleaxe apologises for not writing for two whole weeks – it’s been a bit hectic.  I just said to Philosopher that life this time last year was grim, but at least we didn’t have any expectations. This year seems worse at the moment. We had all sorts of treats and outings planned before Christmas, including spending time with our scattered children, but all is now starting to unravel as Omicron gallops, apparently unchecked, across the country.

Then, of course, whereever you go, there are far too many unmasked, and possibly unvaccinated, Covidiots cluttering up the place and breathing all over us… How many times have I said that things are worse than I have ever known them?  Well, I can say it again now. Lies, lies and more lies. Hidden behind the squalid, fatuous headline rubbish about phantom parties, posh-totty Allegra weeping as she is thrown under the bus, and that hideously vulgar gold wallpaper in the Downing Street flat (which, one understands, won’t even stay stuck to the walls), the government is quietly forcing through legislation about nationality, borders, the right to protest etc., turning us all ever more rapidly into a fascist, jingoistic tin-pot world laughing-stock. To cap it all, the loathsome, wretched Johnson has just had yet another baby. That’s a minimum of 7. Utterly disgusting.

Oh give it a rest. There is absolutely nothing Battleaxe can do or say to change the political situation, and, apart from being sensible, wearing my mask etc etc, there is nothing I can do about the Covid situation either.

So, pictured above is Battleaxe at our grand Christmas Light Champagne Switch-on.  As with most things right now, it didn’t go as planned. My step-daughter Anna was supposed to be there, but couldn’t come because she was unwell… We thought it would just be the two of us, but it ended up as a sort 0f mini-street party, with two sets of neighbours joining us to raise a glass. The Christmas tree-effect lights are new this year, from Aldi – very good.

What have I been doing? Early this month I joined in with a Reindeer Walk in Alexandra Park, with my own WI group, Hastings Ore, and nearby Pett WI. It was in aid of the Friends of Conquest Hospital. Given that I am now a Trustee of the Friends, I thought I would make an effort and got a reindeer suit from Ebay. It was hellish hot and itchy, never mind the issue of going to the loo – I had a red net tutu and detachable antlers  as well as the all-in-one suit to struggle with.  Here are a couple of pics of the event, including Battleaxe reindeer with Mark Chamberlain, Matron of the MacDonald Ward at the Conquest.  I still find it hard to get used to great big blokes being ‘Matron’ – I can only think of Hattie Jacques… Mind you, I got to know another male Matron, also called Mark, but not the same one, when I was in the Conquest in 2014. Here is the post about it.  Battleaxe has so much to learn about the NHS… I’d better get on with it in the New Year.


Last weekend we went to Birmingham. We were initially supposed to go to a charity quiz with chums, but guess what, we didn’t go. As usual, we stayed with Sue and Alex Twynholm, and visited/met old friends.  It was good to see everyone, but as ever, a bit tiring. In addition, I’ve had my final poetry Christmas meeting with mulled wine and mince pies, had outings with friends and all sorts of other things. Can’t be bad really. Next week we’ve got my sister’s funeral. Battleaxe is not looking forward to it.

Enough of this. Here is a wonderful picture of the sunrise Philosopher took this morning, and then a photo from our outing this morning – from RockANore car park on the way to the shops.



  1. Frances
    December 13, 2021 / 4:14 pm

    AGREE about the unspeakable Johnson. so discouraging… beautiful pics of the sky… and of your reindeer outfit!! much cheerier than the news at large…

    • December 18, 2021 / 2:04 pm

      Thanks for that – kind words about the reindeer outfit much appreciated…

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