This page contains links to other blogs I follow and sites that I like, and that Battleaxe readers might enjoy…
Other blogs I follow
These many be funny, informative, about our local area, or just written by people I’m fond of.
LOCAL always has something interesting to say about Hastings.
FASHION AND LIFESTYLE nice blog and website about clothes for the slightly older woman…., who writes this blog about fashion for the grown-up woman, is always entertaining. yourself to spend less, eat well, lose weight… lady who writes this is over 80, but in her case, 80 is the new 50.
HOME AND GARDEN all of us who have gardens bigger than a yard but smaller than an acre….
POETRY AND WRITING is one of my Stanza group friends – her blog/site is a mine of useful information for poets, plus her own experiences.
http://roguestrands.blogspot.comAnother excellent poetry blog, by Matthew Stewart
https://carolhedges.blogspot.comCarol is an inspirational writer who has lived a long and interesting life.
NATURE AND LIFE IN THE UK, who writes this blog, lives in Dorset. Her posts have wonderful photos of the changing seasons, and of her lovely garden. lives in the Cotswolds. her blog covers the natural world but also her travels round the UK – lovely photos, plenty of fascinating infomation. lovely blog to browse about UK nature
TRAVEL lives on a barge in Rotterdam – her blog posts are always interesting and entertaining. blog ‘An English Travel Writer’ written by Jenny Woolf, is always an interesting read. and informative world travel blog
Other interesting/useful web sites
LOCAL good local news site archive of old Hastings and St Leonard’s photos
OTHER is an amazing site if you want time to disappear – it can be rude, spooky, funny, informative – or all of those at once.
http://sixtyandme.comOK, so it is a bit 20 ways to tie a scarf but it is a good lifestyle/fashion/health blog for the slightly older woman.