Battleaxe in Hastings Tip shock…..

Just took a load of garden rubbish to the Pebsham tip.  To my disappointment and astonishment, the metal container where the tip geezers used to pile things that had some value, and then sell the stuff for a pittance, has gone.

Since I have been in Hastings I have had several old chimney pots for planters, umpteen other planters and terracotta pots, a set of shelving, a filing cabinet, a Victorian wooden plant stand and various garden tools – all from the tip.  Visiting the little hoard made tip visits worthwhile, and most important of all, stuff that could be reused was salvaged.  We really liked it after the big city Birmingham tip we used to visit, where you had to drop stuff down off a walkway into huge skips where it was way beyond reach.  Sure, I expect the blokes in Hastings made an illicit few bob out of their trade, but so what?

Now, you are not even able to save stuff from the heaps once it has been dumped – what a waste.

I spoke to the blokes and they wouldn’t say much – just muttered grumpily and darkly about ‘politics’.

In other places I have seen charity stores at tips – e.g Hove, Stratford-on-Avon.  I think this would be a really good idea for Hastings. I shall start a campaign.

Anyway, after that trauma we had to call into the Garden Centre for a restorative scone and a cuppa – the place was heaving.  I guess gardens are suddenly growing with the damp weather.  Birds must like the damp too – this morning I saw a blackbird in the garden with his beak stuffed with worms and grubs, still trying to extract more without dropping the first lot.

1 Comment

  1. Shaun
    May 2, 2012 / 6:14 pm

    Ha! That'll stop your freeloading ways!! Seriously, all tips should have a charity shop. Our Stratford Shakespeare Hospice shop has just expanded and opened a dedicated furniture shop from stuff thrown away at the tip.

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