It is a fantastic sunny day and the Philosopher is actually outside mowing the lawn – crazy for 6 January, but I don’t think the grass has stopped growing since the autumn The scent of new-mown lawn is wafting in through the window….
Talking of gardens, this picture shows the Hastings Garden Centre kitty, snoozing, very well camouflaged, in the pansies. He is always hiding somewhere different – in a trug, in a wheelbarrow, on a pile of logs, among the plants.
We tend to drop into the Garden Centre for a coffee and a scone (fabulous scones, the best in Hastings) after an invigorating visit to the tip. Us Brummies love that tip. The Birmingham tip was far too urban and organised – you threw the stuff down great big chutes into huge bins and never saw it again. In Hastings, there are lovely smelly heaps, and best of all, a metal container store where you can wrangle with grumpy geezers to get Stuff. Many tips now have charity stores – this is a good idea, but I can’t see the Hastings geezers giving up their nice little earner any time soon.
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