A sunny morning in St Leonards and other things

Well, first, some positives. A sunny morning, so we went for one of our favourite short walks around St Leonards – shops, galleries, architecture, gardens and flowers, sea… Have written about it before but will…

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Wi Zooming with Hastings Battleaxe

Zooming with Hastings Battleaxe or what. Yesterday I was part of our first ever Zoom Webinar Annual Meeting for the East Sussex WI Federation, with the Rev Richard Coles. Very stressful but it ended up…

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The NHS and a non-sweary Hastings Battleaxe

The NHS?  Yes, Hastings Battleaxe had to use it this week.  Despite constantly being told that we are teetering on the edge of Covid-induced health service collapse, she was impressed. Being poorly, I watched an…

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