Blimey, you may ask, have those two nothing better to do than yomp round local gardens? This is the third post in the last few weeks. But why not? Spring is here, the weather is dry, dry, dry, and the outside world beckons. This visit was the best of the lot – the weather was just gorgeous and warm for once, and the tulips at Pashley Manor (near Ticehurst) were looking wonderful.
So, here are the links to the first two visits – posts about Scotney Castle – bright, clear and pretty and Hole Park – pretty but freezing cold. We have been to see the Pashley Manor tulips before, with our old friends Bob and Alison, back in 2013 – so long ago. The tulips were lovely then, and they were lovely now. Pashley Manor is quite expensive, -£12.50 to get in, but I think it is well worth it. As well as the tulips the rest of the garden is very pretty, with lake, woodland garden, and they have now added a walk to a bluebell wood.
We got there at 10am, early, which was probably just as well, because it was quiet, the air was fresh and clear and everything sparkled and shone. Maybe it was also unusual to see narcissi out at the same time as the tulips – strange weather.
We enjoyed coffee and a scone sitting in the sun on the terrace, half way through our walk round the gardens.
Tulips are looking good this year anyway – we have many springing up round our garden and in our pots. Trouble with me, I diligently tip them out of the pots when they finish flowering and then when it comes to plant them again, forget what colour they are. So, I end up with odd tulips in different containers. Visiting Pashley Manor makes me realise that to be effective, they need planting in blocks of the same colour. In the garden, I generally forget where I planted them when they die down, and it is just a matter of luck if they appear again. I vow to try harder next year. All the tulips at Pashley come from Bloms Bulbs. I will order some for next year. I also see Bloms put on a dahlia festival at Pashley in September – another diary date?
What else? Philosopher and I have now had both our Covid jabs – fortunately for me, less side-effects this time, but still felt a bit rough for a day or so. Our diaries are getting full again, with meet-ups with friends, and, in my case, WI business. Still I hope we have time for more gardens – next, another of our local favourites, Great Dixter.
Thank goodness, Battleaxe is having her hair done on Tuesday next week. I was just going to add a photo of me at Pashley but it is too awful. Talking of that, there have been lots of jokes on the internet in the last few days showing pictures of Johnson out jogging and looking way, way, beyond dreadful, complete with joggling man-boobs, together with quoted remarks of a friend of Carrie’s – about her exquisite taste! How do figures in the public eye cope when terrible pictures of them are published? They must have very thick skins. Anyway, instead of a dragged-through-a-hedge-backwards Battleaxe, here is a handsome black swan from Pashley.
Lovely photos of lovely gardens! I’m so pleased you are all able to get out again, Stephanie. That must be a huge relief!