Battleaxe meets The Iron Lady

We went to the Hastings Odeon to see The Iron Lady. 
     For us who are old enough to have lived through the Thatcher era, we found the political dimension of the film a bit feeble, but enjoyed it as a fine performance and a poignant study of ageing.  For us Brummies, the Odeon is a bit – how shall I say – primitive.  The seats are so uncomfortable!  We are used to vast popcorn strewed urban multiplexes with squishy padded armchairs.  We did hope to see some of that classic local cinema advertising – a wonky, faded picture of a restaurant with a crackly sound track urging one to visit ‘Ying Tongs in Station Parade’ or whatever.  but not so – the usual deafening light-flashing generic stuff….

We have been to the Electric Palace in the Old Town too – loved that, but as newcomers we had the feeling of walking into someone’s front room….. no doubt we will get used to it.

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