Battleaxe is blooming… with what?
Blooms all round. Sorry I have not been writing this as often as I should – am very fixated on writing my novel at the moment. Life Chez Battleaxe is pretty much back to normal…
View PostBlooms all round. Sorry I have not been writing this as often as I should – am very fixated on writing my novel at the moment. Life Chez Battleaxe is pretty much back to normal…
View PostLying low because we plan to go abroad shortly – a few days in Portugal. We’ve just heard that pre-flght tests have been scrapped, so that is one worry less, but we don’t want to…
View PostWell, last week’s effort clearly appealed, but not to everyone. Maybe some felt I was going too far… But how can fiction surpass the ridiculousness of current reality? Anyway, just to say that I got…
View PostThis way madness lies? Or how many more of Boris Johnson’s lies can any sane person be expected to put up with? Hastings Battleaxe apologises for not writing for two whole weeks – it’s been…
View PostWell, the Election results came in, with predictable disasters for Labour, and the next day we had a beautiful sunny outing to the last garden on our local list, Great Dixter. Have done various Zoomy…
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