Battleaxe the writer gets a boost!

Yes, this is the second big excitement mentioned in the previous post. Was mentally and physically wrung out after the train driving experience, and slept really badly on Saturday night. On Sunday I had a…

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Hastings Battleaxe drives a steam locomotive! Maximum excitement!

And no ordinary steam engine either! A truly massive one. The Bulleid Pacific ‘Sir Keith Park’ 34053 at the Spa Valley Railway in Tunbridge Wells. Just for engine name enthusiasts, it has been renamed ‘303…

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Starting work at Mallydams

Right, I know you’ve wanted to read this! Battleaxe has been to the RSPCA Wildlife Centre at Mallydams twice now, so am just about beginning to get the hang of things – I think it…

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Preparing for the Xodus? Battleaxe considers social media

Battleaxe hadn’t intended this post to be about boring old social media, but, dear readers, I have to get this blog shared onto the platforms that you, the readers use. I know some of you…

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Is Britain descending into fascism? Or is it just summer riots…

To start with, of course Hastings Battleaxe condemns and utterly abhors the wave of right-wing fermented violent thuggery going on right now. Battleaxe loathes the Reform and Tory right-fanatics who dare to call themselves politicians.…

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