Battleaxe thinks Christmas is coming too early…

Did I say that in the last post? I forget. Maybe one of the advantages of getting older, I could write the same thing every week and not even notice. What a lot of time…

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And Battleaxe thought last week was bad? But there have been some better moments

And Battleaxe thought last week was bad? Well, hold my beer. Tuesday 5 November was one of the worst days for the world in my lifetime. You know only too well what it was –…

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Not a great week for Hastings Battleaxe…

Oh dear, they cry, why not? First, Battleaxe hates it when the clocks go back – she doesn’t like the dark evenings. Then, I’ve put my back out, which meant I missed the first seal…

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Random catchup with Hastings Battleaxe

How is it that I am always at least a week behind in Battleaxe-world?  Once and for all, let’s try and catch up. This is pretty random. A genetic test at Guy’s Hospital last week…

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Catching up via Caroline Lucas and creative writing frenzy…

Sorry, there’s been a bit of a gap since the last post. As you can imagine, the boost to my writing confidence led to an up-surge of creative activity. A Battleaxe can only manage a…

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