Hastings Battleaxe has a new identity – Welcome!

This is exciting – well, for me anyway – but perhaps I need to get out more. Hastings Battleaxe has now got its own proper, grown-up website: https://www.hastingsbattleaxe.com/ What the hell is that photo above,…

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Happy Winter Solstice, Christmas or whatever… and changes afoot…

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. The ancients thought the sun stopped briefly at this point and indeed, it takes a couple of days for us to measure that the…

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Hastings Battleaxe’s blood pressure rises…

Yes, my actual blood pressure is rising. I had to go down to the doctor earlier in this week. ‘Are you stressed about anything?’ he enquired, after prescribing stronger medication. ‘Well, yes,’ I replied, ‘Christmas,…

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Philosopher is a winner

Well, we know Philosopher is a winner anyway, but have just done an article for the Hastings Observer on behalf of the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association) about his winning ways, so thought a Hastings Battleaxe…

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Battleaxe wants to be mindless… it’s all too difficult.

Who would not want to be mindless right now?  The government is in a state of collapse, the country is on its knees, and the weather is wintry.  Battleaxe had such a busy and stressful…

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