Battleaxe blinded by bluebells and Blues – and technology!

Well, as you can see, Hastings Battleaxe is in the middle of getting a new look. I thought it was time I updated the appearance of the blog – it hasn’t changed in five years, and Blogger has all sorts of whizzy themes to choose from.  Suffice it to say that have spent hours effing and blinding, it still does not look right, some bits have disappeared, and have used up all my writing time messing about.  I should never have started. So most of this so-called post will be pictures of flowers – which are looking splendid right now.

  The pictures above are from our visit to my sister in Bedfordshire last week. We went to visit a lovely garden, Coton Manor in Northamptonshire. The bluebell wood was just amazing.  Last year Philosopher and I went to Hole Park, near Rolvenden – I thought those were the best bluebells ever, but the wood at Coton was particularly spectacular with blue against the young green leaves of the beech trees.
   Talking to my sister near election time is always a bit difficult because she, and her family, are True, unquestioning  Blue through and through. My every argument was met with:
   ‘Don’t worry, Stepho, Theresa will sort it – trust me, she’ll find a way’.  As you can tell, she is my Big Sister…. At least she has fallen out of love with Boris Johnson….
   I don’t know why I am not like the rest of my family. My parents were True Blue as well. When I was young we used to have the Tory MP for Basingstoke for lunch when he had finished his Saturday morning surgery. Was it David Mitchell? I think he is dead now. I used to question and hector him continually until, inevitably, I was sent to my room in disgrace.
   Here are a couple of pictures from Alexandra Park. Last week I was down there on a Race for Life ‘Practice’ with some of the WI women. I put ‘practice’ in inverted commas because to start with, we don’t run, we walk, and secondly, I kept stopping to admire the wonderful flowers, trees etc. We did the ‘race’ last year too – I did not write about it for some reason. It was a soaking wet day. I’ll write a post about it this time.
    Philosopher and I have not been on our annual Garlic Walk this year – I have often written about it. I may have mentioned that he has a bad hip?  Looks like he will have to have a hip replacement.  Anyway, I did find some garlic on our WI walk….

Weather is fabulous……  like summer today. Here are some vibrant osteospermums in Battleaxe’s garden to finish up with.

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