Hastings Battleaxe marks the end of summer

It is October now. I’ve declared it the end of summer, and worn tights for the first time.  The weather has been wonderful, but has now changed – it is wetter, and of course darker in the evenings and the mornings.  I thought I’d record some of the last summer sunny sights to revisit in the dark days to come..

Beachy Head

      Last week we went up to Beachy Head to walk. It was remarkably clear. We could see all the way from Dungeness (40 miles away) in one direction to Selsey Bill (70 miles away, in the other. I think we could even see the Isle of Wight.  Here are a couple of pictures Philosopher took of far-away things – using his better camera.
      First, the new i360 tower in Brighton.  The pod is easily visible, near the top of the tower. I don’t fancy riding on it – not because I’m scared of heights, it just seems really, really tacky somehow.  It amused me to read about the times it got stuck and they had to erect an emergency loo tent in the middle of the bar area – urgh, imagine that.

i360 tower in Brighton, from Beachy Head.

 Secondly, the enormous Rampion Wind Farm, around 20 kilometres  off  Brighton and Shoreham, currently under construction. It should be finished in 2018. You can see the foundations for the turbines and the construction crane quite clearly.

Rampion Wind Farm, from Beachy Head.

The colours, the views were just wonderful. So blue, so bright, and you could scarcely tell where the sea ended and the sky began.  Here are a few pictures.

Looking across to Hastings
Looking past the Seven Sisters to Seaford Head.

Helicopter hovering along the the shoreline makes patterns in the water
Hovering kestrel

     I’ve written before that Beachy Head has a strange, other-worldly atmosphere. The wide open views always make me want to fly away, soaring like a seagull, fortunately, with exuberance.
     We saw this poignant poem placed by the usual bunches of flowers at the edge of the cliff.  Clearly, this poor girl really did try to fly….

Another day last week we went to Bexhill. Had a coffee at the De La Warr. The light was amazing – but you can already see the approach of autumn, and impending rain.

From the de la Warr Pavilion – rain is on its way.

Finally, view of Hastings from the East Hill.  Bring it on, winter, Battleaxe is ready!

View of Hastings from the East Hill

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