Not a great week for Hastings Battleaxe…

Oh dear, they cry, why not? First, Battleaxe hates it when the clocks go back – she doesn’t like the dark evenings. Then, I’ve put my back out, which meant I missed the first seal…

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Random catchup with Hastings Battleaxe

How is it that I am always at least a week behind in Battleaxe-world?  Once and for all, let’s try and catch up. This is pretty random. A genetic test at Guy’s Hospital last week…

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Hastings Battleaxe goes to Chichester – again

Yes, we often go to Chichester, and last week we went again. It was our wedding anniversary on Friday… We stayed in our usual place, trawled the shops and went to a first-class exhibition at…

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A Sunday morning walk in Hastings

Sometimes Battleaxe forgets she lives in Hastings, by the sea. Life is so busy these days, it is easy to miss out the pleasure of just ambling around… On Sunday we did just that. Started…

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Catching up via Caroline Lucas and creative writing frenzy…

Sorry, there’s been a bit of a gap since the last post. As you can imagine, the boost to my writing confidence led to an up-surge of creative activity. A Battleaxe can only manage a…

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