Sheffield Park Garden and a crazy tree purchase.

Hastings Battleaxe has never been to Sheffield Park Garden, all the years we have lived down here. We visited recently with our old friend Alison. It is a really beautiful place, with picturesque lakes, and,…

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Visiting the Long Man of Wilmington and other busy things…

Finally,  The Long Man of Wilmington. Do you remember a few weeks ago Battleaxe and Philosopher set out to visit it but had to turn back because of bad traffic. Well, on Friday we finally…

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Hastings Battleaxe enjoys sunny Chichester

On Tuesday it was Valentine’s Day. Battleaxe and Philospher have been together a long time but we still enjoy the odd romantic moment… so off we went to Chichester. Stayed at the lovely 4 Canon…

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Folkestone – an arty sunny day at the Triennial.

Our Brummie friends Sue and Graham came down to stay, and yesterday we went to Folkestone – they have got into a routine of attending the Triennial when it comes round, and we have been…

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Battleaxe does Dover and has now Come Home…

Yes, our holiday is now thoroughly over, after our final trip to Dover. We enjoyed it, but it was a bit of a mixed bag.  Come home? Spare us. Despite Battleaxe half-hoping that England will…

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