Hastings Battleaxe does anything to avoid today…

Avoid what? It’s obvious, isn’t it?  As I write this, Trump is just about to be inaugurated as US President. A day that the likes of me could never imagined would actually arrive. But it…

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Battleaxe thinks Christmas is coming too early…

Did I say that in the last post? I forget. Maybe one of the advantages of getting older, I could write the same thing every week and not even notice. What a lot of time…

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Battleaxe and a glass hoard somewhere in darkest East Sussex…

Battleaxe is still here, but isn’t telling you where… The place needs to remain a mystery. A hidden, more than slightly dilapidated collection of railway arches, approached down an overgrown path, containing at least 500…

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Do new horizons beckon for Hastings Battleaxe?

I still have some primitive hope that a new year might present new horizons, even though 2023 has not started too well. Battleaxe won’t go boring on about the weather and the state of the…

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An arty update from Hastings Battleaxe

Sorry readers, time has flown past yet again… Battleaxe has been busy.  We had our old friends Sue and Alex down to stay for their annual September visit – the weather was so hot it…

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