I finished up my last post by saying I’d write something about the Poetry Stanza Bonanza, held in Eastbourne last week, at which Battleaxe and chums were reading their poetic efforts along with members of the Brighton Stanza group. Well, I can indeed write about it, but unfortunately have no photos – we did all pose for a group pic, but the result was so incredibly unflattering to all of us that I wouldn’t dare publish it! Instead, I’ll start with a little photographic coup I caught at the Hastings Contemporary Gallery on Friday….
Who is this, you may ask. Well, the person on the left is Liz Gilmore, the outgoing Director of the gallery, who has got a new job somewhere down in the West Country – she has been in post since the gallery opened as the Jerwood. Sitting opposite her in the cafe is the new Interim Director, Kathleen Soriano. Battleaxe and Philosopher are great fans of the Sky Arts programmes Portrait Artist of the Year and Landscape Artist of the Year. Kathleen has been one of the judges on the programme for many years, and is a real ‘household name’ for us. Here’s a link to some information about her and her appointment. Don’t worry, Battleaxe readers, I did get the women’s permission before taking the photo – they asked if they should just carry on working as if I wasn’t there, and I said yes, so they did – and I told them the photo would appear on Hastings Battleaxe. They then asked if they could be Battleaxes and I said no, that was me…. You’ll also know that Battleaxe has had, to put it mildly, an up-and-down relationship with the gallery over the years. We have been involved with the place in various ways since the start, and I have written many, many posts about the exhibitions. Put ‘Jerwood’ and then ‘Hastings Contemporary’ into the search bar if you want to read them. Here is a round-up post from 2019, just when the gallery changed its identity. Some exhibitions I’ve liked, some I’ve absolutely loathed, and some have just been meh. If you are reading this, Katherine, just a quick word – the current exhibition is OK-ish , but is on for far too long. September to March? No. Less of the Quentin Blake, and try to get the exhibition exhibits to fill up the walls. Battleaxe doesn’t rate blank space….
I still think the gallery needs to do more to appeal to local people. Do you know, I still have friends who have never once been in there?
Went to TK Maxx the other day – yet more bad weather, and needed cheering up. Unusually, no bizarre clothes appealed, but Battleaxe bought this purely on an experimental basis. Who knew such a thing existed. Did I like it? It was pretty tasteless…. if it was indeed grass, that was probably why. See this link for more information.
Back to the poetry. Each Stanza Group fielded six poets. My fellow readers were my good Stanza chums Judith Shaw, Jill Fricker, Alex Josephy, Antony Mair and a newer bloke, Stephen. I never know quite where to place myself as a poet. Many of my colleagues are very gifted, serious poets who have won serious competitions and had their work published in reputable magazines etc. My stuff is lighter… I get in the occasional sting in the tail but it is never going to win the T S Eliot Prize… think Wendy Cope on a bad day, just maybe. But, at a reading event, I can’t deny that Battleaxe does well. My working life has given me a good loud voice, the skills to connect with the audience and the ability to ham myself up for Britain. Also, ssshhh – it’s possible that at a reading, the audience can more readily follow, and grab onto, the meaning of slightly lighter and simpler poems.
Anyway, after my slot I was approached by a bloke called John who runs regular ‘open-mike’ poetry events in Eastbourne. He wanted to book me as the ‘star poet’ at one of these events. At first, I shied away like a startled horse. My heart just sinks at the very idea of open-mike or poetry slam things – young, angry, earnest – or bearded grizzled and hairy – types reading protesty free verse off their phones and swearing a lot… nooo. I have never, ever, wanted to be a ‘performance poet’. However, it was explained to me that the star poet is the big name in the evening, and doesn’t do any of the open mike stuff. I was actually quite flattered – some poets who I really rate have done it, and even star names like John McCullough. I think I’ll give it a go – but not until the light nights!
Enough of that. To finish, here are three flowers blooming right now in the garden. Look at that brave camellia. A bit frosted but out and proud. I don’t know what the yellow daisy-like ones are called. The plant came as a cutting from friend Shirley, and it struts its stuff all year. A bit cheering, aren’t they?
I love Watercolour artist of the year. As well as the new series I am starting again with the first series. Interesting to see how it has developed. Great that Katherine involved with the Gallery
We very much enjoy Portrait Artist and Landscape Artist..