Battleaxe recommends – Robin Hood at Icklesham

A quick post – but a real Battleaxe recommendation. Earlier in the week we went out for our WI Christmas do to the Robin Hood at Icklesham, and they put on the most fantastic do for us. When we go out that way we tend to go to the other pub in Icklesham, the Queens Head, which I have written about before, but I think we may have to change our ways…..

The Robin Hood

A whole coachload of women descended on the Robin Hood, we had a whole room to ourselves out the back which was nice and warm, nicely decorated and laid up with crackers etc., and they put on the most fantastic buffet for a very modest price indeed.  As well as a line of tables groaning with goodies the staff kept coming out with extras like little cones filled with scampi and chips, sausage and chips, which were fresh out of the fryer.  By the end of the evening our stomachs were groaning as well – and they issued us with foil sheets to take the surplus home…

Lovely do…..

      The staff couldn’t do enough for us and we didn’t even have the usual pub-style queuing for drinks bottleneck… and the drinks were not too expensive.
       All in all, I couldn’t fault it. Several of my WI friends are regulars at the pub…. I am not surprised.  If you have never eaten there, do go.
       Incidentally, the pub has an enormous beer garden, which I have photographed before for a post I have not yet got round to doing, on best pub gardens near Hastings. That will have to wait until next summer now.
       One more recommendation, at the do I wore my new Christmas shoes for the first time. A few weeks ago I put about ten pairs of shoes on Ebay – shoes I’ll never wear again, mostly because the heels are too high. To make up for losing some real beauties – Jimmy Choo, Russell and Bromley etc., I said I’d spend some of on one truly ridiculous pair that I could actually wear. I chose these babies from Irregular Choice.   The company makes totally crazy shoes – I already have a pair of boots with cats on which I am very fond of. The new babies are totally silvery glittery and what is more, have flashing lights on the shiny bows when you stomp your feet down. Comfortable too…. not for the weather we  have been having though….  This picture is not very good but shows the lights flashing… incredibly hard to capture for some reason.

New Irregular Choice shoes

       It snowed unexpectedly heavily on Monday, and yesterday the pavements were still treacherously icy-not great for Philosopher who was supposed to be enjoying his first full week of mobility following his discharge from hospital last week. We were a bit worried how many women would actually turn out, but a commendable number picked their way down to get on the coach in Ore Village.

Snowy garden

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