Well, it is hard to look out of the window now and remember the gloriously sunny weekend, so I’ll write about it to remind me.
Our friends Dave and Carole came down for the weekend from Brum. It was their first visit to Hastings so we wanted the place to put on a good show for them – things didn’t start well because they got stuck in terrible traffic on the way down – apparently the A21 was really bad. Now, I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again – why are we bothering with the controversial Bexhill Link Road when the real issue is people getting down here in the first place? Not that we personally care whether communications are improved – we prefer Hastings cut off, but on the other hand it is not great when we, or people we know, get stuck on the way in or out!
Anyway, the next day was sparkling sun, so we decided to walk to Bexhill – our guests wanted to visit the De La Warr Pavilion. Unusually, we walked all the way from our house – we wanted to show them the Old Town first. I had to pop into the ‘Books Born in Hastings’ event at the Town Hall – Hastings Writers’ Group
had a stall, and as Battleaxe has just become Publicity Officer on the Committee I thought I had better take a look. Philosopher took D and C for coffee at the Jerwood – open today, thank goodness.
Weather was fabulous, and very warm. It is a longer walk than you think, though, when started from right at the top of Clive Vale! Me and C had to peel off and get a bus for the last bit, from the Retail Park. Lovely clouds over Marine Court:
We were lucky to get a table for lunch outside in the sun on the terrace at the De La Warr. All very civilised, hopefully friends liked it. They have still got the wobbling bus on show, and a new exhibition by someone called Ian Breakwell, which looks interesting.
Anyway, no way were we walking back again – caught the bus after waiting for ages.
D & C (that sounds a bit gynecological)had to leave early on Sunday, so we went to Rye Harbour. If possible, an even better day – absolutely dazzling. We walked to the sea – King Canute’s armchair had vanished.
Had coffee in the Avocet Gallery. We treated ourselves to a lovely little embroidered picture of a flower called ‘Jack Go to Bed at Noon’ which I have often seen at Rye Harbour. It has beautiful seed heads. I collected some seeds earlier in the year, which I have still to plant. I looked for a picture on Google and found this lovely Flower Fairies illustration:
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